Why Review Strategy?

A strategy is normally associated with the first phase of the strategic management process: planning. Planning deals with intention, the future, how everything should work out in contrast to the current and referencing the past. It requires a rigorous scan internally and externally so you can remain competitive and relevant. Strategic planning allows you to explore options for proceeding into an unclear future.

Strategic plans may look good on paper and sound fanciful but if they are not implemented – they are a waste of time. Implementation is the second step of the strategic management process and requires commitment, buy-in, role inclusion and accountability for results.

The last phase of the strategic management process is reviewing and evaluation. Reviewing involves a backward look at these tough considerations:

  1. What percentage of planned strategies were done since planning?
  2. What about strategies that were not planned, that happened to arise apart from our best strategic planning? Should we review these?
  3. What was the impact of these strategies?
  4. Were there external and internal factors that contributed to this?
  5. Has your team sat together to reflect and have tough conversations of follow through and strategic thinking?
  6. Does our team get an A B C or D as a scorecard?

Most organisations who do plan strategic planning usually battle with getting managers to implement, and simply revert to the same practices of planning again the next year, and the next. They forget to conduct a strategic review and evaluation session with the same priority placed on planning. This phase makes planning better, smarter and wise.

We use smart software tools to measure important activities complete that allow for great measurement, assessment, remedial actions and smarter planning.

Contact us for more information!

Anil Salick

Anil Salick

Strategist, Facilitator, Coach, Writer. Shares about inspiration, leadership, critical thinking, fun, sports and current events.