What makes a Great Team Building event?

Q: What makes a great team building event? A: There are possibly 5  factors to consider when planning a great team build session. Firstly, why are we considering a team build? we should look at it as an event or a component as part of ongoing strategy or journeying towards company goals. Don’t think that a…

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Analyse your team members’ strengths

The best performing teams do not have team members with the same strengths. They have different strengths, and they play to their strengths. Insightful data about the behavioural traits and qualities of your team can assist in effective planning for better team cohesion, dynamics and performance. Let’s explore other reasons why you should analyse your…

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7 Team Building Thoughts

Success in growing your business is about collaboration and working together with others. However independent we may be, we need others to move us to the next level. These may require “think big” ideas that we just cannot achieve alone.

Working together in some sort of team/ network is becoming more and more relevant for success today.

Here are some of my thoughts about teamwork, team building and team dynamics learned over the years working with different teams:

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