
Synergy is a principle. It’s a law and fact. It’s as true as mathematics, gravity or evolution. Whether one believes or obeys it or not, it still operates regardless. It is found in all of nature: creative cooperation, working together, “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”Although easier to reference or accept…

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Durban Business Fair 2011

Synergistic Outcomes shall be participating for the 4th year in the Durban Business Fair (formerly known as the Ethekwini SMME Fair).

The Durban Business Fair boasts being the leading small business event in Southern Africa, where small business owners are given the opportunity to showcase their products and create awareness for their services.

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Synergistic Outcomes – Strategy, Performance and Attitude

In 2004, Synergistic Outcomes began with a logo and subtitle that read: “Training, Development, Profiling, Assessments and Coaching Solution”. It seemed clear and transparent what we did. That tagline would last for the 6 years, until we reconsidered what we do as a business. Strategic Planning is a key activity for businesses which plan to…

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