OUTsurance, Twitter, Marketing and Cultural Sensitivity

Often it takes a really painful mistake to make us look inward at the very necessary changes we’ve overlooked – through oversight. This weekend saw OUTsurance showcase a Father’s Day advert with majority white fathers with their children. 19 White fathers and just 1 black father, has been suggested. The onslaught on Twitter was swift…

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Seven Reasons why Training Staff is powerful for Advertising and Building your Brand

Recently, I have been working with a company which has done much in its recent past to change its brand awareness and appeal through genuine changes, efforts and commitment. In some parts of the population, a noticable shift in perception has occured; but in many other sectors – the old uncertain perception exists.

How does a worldwide brand succeed at changing perception in a competitive environment whilst maintaining a cost cutting/ profit margin drive required by management and operational goals?

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