Business Strategy and the Coronavirus

In business, strategy is the plan of the leader (the general: CEO, MD, GM). Executive managers are then deployed to “execute” the plan that represent how victory will be obtained. However, disruptions occur despite the best-laid plans – how do we make sense today of business strategy and the coronavirus? Strategically planning explained… A strategic…

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Trump’s followers, and his leadership

Normally, one would speak of leadership before followership. But, in the case of President Donald J Trump – it’s worth trying to understand his followers, then his leadership. Initially, his announcement to run for the US presidency was met with jeer, disbelief and mock. His victory as presidential-candidate for the Republicans, with even more surprise,…

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Leadership Lessons from Zuma’s Resignation

South Africa awoke today with the news that President Jacob Zuma has resigned. For most South Africans, it’s a feeling of a decision long overdue and good riddance. For others, it’s a compassionate reaction of sadness, aggh shame, emotion and not a nice way to see uBaba go. Where did it go wrong? I remember…

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Why try to do everything by yourself?

Are you obsessed with doing everything by yourself? Use the skills and talents of others to help you get ahead. This has always been the wisdom of every successful entrepreneur and CEO. “Frank Winfield Woolworth (1852 – 1919) was a pioneer of a change store. He came from a humble background and became one of…

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Can a leader make all the difference?

Great organisations, average organisations and failing organisations hinge on one important thing: the leader. Leadership, in a real sense, is everything. A few years ago I worked with a large organisation as a client. My role was to facilitate a customised personal development programme. What was clear was the presence and admiration of this leader.…

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