Royal Swaziland Sugar Corporation (PA’s and Secretaries)

Group 1 RSSC

During the week of 16th to 19th of May 2011, RSSC engaged in PA and Secretary Development for their company pa’s, secretaries and office administrators. RSSC is based in Simunye, Swaziland – a quaint, peaceful and beautiful town. (To learn more about the town, go to )

When asked “what were the best experience on the PA and Secretary Programme “, learners answered:

  • I always thought I was answering the phone the correct way, today I learnt something!
  • Communication Skills; revealed my potential and tips there on changed my life and perception especially on presentation and standing in front of the group
  • Learning to communicate effectively and learn to manage conflict
  • The part where we were made to speak in front of the audience
  • Improving my attitude
  • I enjoyed the balancing of one’s life and lessons on success
  • The attitude that even if you have all the skills but if your attitude is negative, it can affect the result. The part of personality types that helps you accommodate and understand the next person’s behaviour
  • Time Management was best of all, followed by the Office Professionalism
  • The best part of the course to me, it was like a revival for my skills as to produce a better and supper service at my organisation
  • It was the communication and presentation that I really enjoyed. I gained some tips of a good presenter
  • To address meeting. Standing in front of more than 8 people. To keep on practicing

Group 2 RSSC

Anil Salick

Anil Salick

Strategist, Facilitator, Coach, Writer. Shares about inspiration, leadership, critical thinking, fun, sports and current events.