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Are your sales people performing?

Do you measure sales potential and characteristics for sales hiring and development?

Profiles Sales Assessment™ Measures :

Profiles Sales Assessment draws upon data based on the top-performing sales people in specific sales jobs in an organization, and is used primarily for selecting, onboarding, and managing sales people and account managers. The job modeling feature is unique, and can be customized by company, sales position, department, manager, geography, or any combination of these factors.

The Profiles Sales Assessment helps you:

  • Evaluate an individual based on the qualities required to perform successfully
  • Predict on-the-job performance in seven critical sales behaviors: prospecting, call reluctance, closing the sale, self-starting, working with a team, building and maintaining relationships, and compensation preference.

The Profiles Sales Assessment is used for selecting and motivating sales people in order to maximize and increase sales performance.

Purpose of the Profile Sales Assessment™ :

In the business world, where it is so easy to duplicate products and undercut prices, the key strategic advantage for most companies is the performance of their employees. Employees who are well matched to their positions have higher attendance records, less turnover, higher job satisfaction, and superior job performance. Both the employee and the employer share the benefits of enhanced person to job fit.

The PSA is used to develop effective sales teams and design optimal training programs based on the trainees’ style of learning. They also use it to help supervisors determine which approach will work best when working with a particular employee and to help develop succession plans.

Profile Sales Assessment™ Reports :

A. The Performance Model Comparison is typically used to identify how well a person will fit into a given position.
B. The Interview Guide – Challenge Areas provides questions designed to assist the interviewer when the candidate scores outside the Performance Model.
C. The Interview Guide – Total Person provides questions developed to guide the interviewer when the individual scores within the Performance Model as well as outside the model.
D. The Strategic Workforce Planning report allows matching one individual to several Performance Models in a single report. This helps facilitate a better understanding of where the best job fit may be expected and is often used in succession planning for the individual.

Also included are:

  • The Candidate Matching report
  • The Individual Profile
  • The Comparison Summary
  • The Summary Graph
  • The Individual Graph
  • The Performance Model Graph