- Are you confident that your top managers are perceived as strong leaders by their teams, peers, and direct reports?
- Do you have a clear picture of your top managers' blind spots – the areas where they could improve that they might not be aware of?
- Are you looking for a way to create a more transparent and feedback-oriented culture within your leadership team?
The Checkpoint 360™ Measures :
The Profiles Checkpoint 360™ measures the following:
(8 Management and Leadership Competencies, 18 Supporting Skill Sets)
- Communication:
1. Listens to others
2. Processes information
3. Communicates effectively - Leadership:
4 Instills trust
5. Provides direction
6. Delegates responsibility - Adaptability:
7. Adjusts to circumstances
8. Thinks creatively - Relationships:
9. Builds personal relationships
10. Facilitates team success - Task Management :
11. Works efficiently
12. Works competently - Production:
13. Takes action
14. Achieves results - Development of Others:
15. Cultivates individual talents
16. Motivates successfully - Personal Development:
17. Displays commitment
18. Seeks improvement
Purpose of the Checkpoint 360™ :
The Profiles Checkpoint 360™ is a multi-rater feedback process that provides managers and leaders with an opportunity to receive an evaluation of their job performance from the people around them – their boss, their peers, and the people whose work they supervise.
- Find out how all others really perceive your Leadership and Management practices.
- Identify gaps for further development and coaching.
- Determine whether your Management team possess the right skills to take your organisation from point A to point B.
- Engage in possible e-learning via Skill Builder.
- Use Checkpoint 360 as a possible aid for performance appraisal with the view to doing a comparative report 6 months to 1 year later.
Checkpoint 360™ Reports :
Once the candidate and all involved have completed the Profiles Checkpoint 360™, the candidate will receive the following reports:
- The four-color multi-rater feedback system report describes a participant’s skills for 8 universal management and leadership competencies with 18 supporting Skill Sets.
- Includes a personal development section for the 18 Skill Sets that guides a manager through ways to improve their job performance.
- Online SkillBuilder™ with Coaching Guides are available for building on strengths and closing skill gaps.
- Comparison reports provide a means of measuring a participant’s progress in developing leadership qualities and management skills.
- An Organizational Management Analysis™ report provides a summary of all individual Checkpoint reports within the organization or division of the organization.
Checkpoint 360™ Used for :
- Pre-work for Management Development intervention
- Performance Appraisal/ Review tool
- To solve management problems
- Measure comparative improvement and progress for top managers
Benefits of Checkpoint 360™ :
The Profiles Checkpoint 360™ solves these challenges:
- Ineffective Management Practices
- Poor Communication
- Inadequate Leadership
- Distrust of Management
- Inability To Delegate
- Low Motivation
- Lack Of Commitment
- Stagnation of Ideas and Status Quo
- Low Performance Standards
- Workplace Conflicts
- Identifying areas for management development