How to be self managed
If you’re self employed and run your own business, or are responsible for a branch or division of your company that requires you to be responsible for your own results, you probably realise that time management or self management is key to productivity and results.
There are three things that one should do to be more organised, discipline or self managed.
1. Get perspective of the big picture
What are your company or divisional targets? If that sounds much like goal setting pushed from top-down or from you-upwards, consider the company purpose or mission. What does your company, products or services aim to fulfill? Perspective helps with purpose, which helps with passion.
2. Get your priorities in order
What needs to be taken care of first? Think urgent and important. Things not done, or stuff that you’ve inherited that “must” be done, can act on you. Get them out the way. The quicker you can focus on importance, the more effective you shall be. Importance deals with preparation, prevention, planning and effectiveness. Things that can be delegated must be. Don’t major in the minors, or deal with popular activities or distraction. Soon, these can be addictions.
3. Plan weekly
Plan your week in advance. Get perspective on your roles and goals, as these pertain to your purpose. If you can do a few things in each role, based on your priorities, you’ll feel much better and in control.
Discipline is a tough thing. Understand also that entrepreneurs, leaders and initiators are not always the best managers. Organisation takes effort. Be kind to yourself, but start and stick to being better. Notice when you are going off track, and self correct.
Remember the saying: “Successful people do daily what unsuccessful people do occasionally”.
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